[Proposed] KICK-8: $KARATE Staking Working Group

I wouldn’t personally lock my tokens.
for any length.

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Think we have to prioritise onboarding and UX at every turn given growth is the mandate.

KC has a unique opportunity to be crypto’s first real-world non-financial app, and has a real shot as onboarding millions of users.

Let’s not forget that onboarding players during an actual event might have a higher retention of those players (seeing event in person, getting excited, downloading app & participating)

There’s also the added benefit of keeping the tokens used to vote locked up (feedback re: tokenomics)

These are the kind of incremental changes that allows a community-owned league to move faster than other competitors

Lastly, there should be additional tokens granted to winning bets that account for lockup period (longer lockup, more rewards if bet is won). Given that fights aren’t booked 4 years in advance (heard the Curve feedback above), I don’t think long lockup periods are an issue.

Voted yes - excited to explore staking as a growth mechanism for the league.


can you explain more why?

for staking to fix the current hurdles with marketing & onboarding, users will at a minimum need to lock their tokens through the date of the event they are voting on.

otherwise, without a snapshot block, the same tokens could vote multiple times, etc.

This is the way Karate :martial_arts_uniform: :+1:t3: a suggestion is to reach out to Dovu and see how they did it.

i dont think the exact dovu model will work because there is some lockup required to remove snapshots.