Bring Karate Combat to the UK

So, we commented on Karate Combat’s post on Threads asking for an event in the UK and they responded saying if we propose it here and enough people vote for it, they’ll have to do it! For any KC fans in the UK who want to see a live event, do it!



You have not created a pool to vote on it.


Oh I tried, but it didnt take because I’m new and useless :sweat_smile: if someone could let me know how to create a poll I’ll edit/post again.

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looks like @mac-tyson got ya


I think signing mvp to headline against aghayev for the opening karate combat card would be off the hook! sign me up


I’d vote for this! Was wondering just the other day if we’ll get a KC event in UK someday

I will definitely vote for a UK venue. I have a couple karate combat brothers over there that I would like to meet.

I’ll campaign for a KC event in the UK every time the topic comes up. I can think of some awesome venues.

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