KICK-10: Finalize 2024-2025 Member Benefits

In a previous topic, we discussed at length a proposal for benefits to our top Up Only Gaming players.
We’ve aggregated comments, made the few requested changes and proposed the final rewards for the 2024-2025 season below. Please refer to the previous post for rationale & details.

Personalized honorary NFTs were already released to the top 1k players yesterday (and today on Ethereum). We’re thrilled to see the extremely positive response from our leaderboard recipents.

The balance of rewards are still being productized and automated. They are expected to roll out at latest for KC47 in July, if not earlier. In the meantime, we will provide tickets to KC45 & KC46 via manual verification.


#1 Annual Leaderboard

  • Honorary NFT
  • Physical edition of honorary NFT
  • Physical edition commemorative Karate Combat Pitside pass
  • Limited edition hoodie
  • Limited edition hat
  • Limited edition tshirt
  • 2 non-transferrable* Pitside tickets to each event
  • Access to private, ceremonial weigh-ins at each event you attend
  • 2 invites to any official or unofficial afterparty at an event you attend
  • Paid flight & hotel 3x per year, at fighter/production hotel
  • Appearance on one live broadcast
  • Discord role & access to member’s only Discord channel

#2 - 10 Annual Leaderboard

  • Honorary NFT
  • Physical edition of honorary NFT
  • Physical edition commemorative Karate Combat Pitside pass
  • Limited edition hoodie
  • Limited edition hat
  • Limited edition tshirt
  • 2 non-transferrable* Pitside tickets to up to 3 events
  • 2 non-transferrable* VIP tickets to up to 3 events
  • Access to private, ceremonial weigh-ins at each event you attend
  • 2 invites to any official or unofficial afterparty at an event you attend
  • Paid flight & hotel 1x per year, at fighter/production hotel
  • Discord role & access to member’s only Discord channel

#11-100 Annual Leaderboard

  • Honorary NFT
  • Physical edition commemorative Karate Combat VIP pass
  • Limited edition hoodie
  • Limited edition hat
  • Limited edition tshirt
  • 2 non-transferrable* VIP tickets to up to 5 events
  • Access to private, ceremonial weigh-ins at each event you attend
  • 2 invites to any official afterparty at an event you attend
  • 3 entries per event for raffle for paid flight & hotel at fighter/production hotel
  • Discord role & access to member’s only Discord channel

#101 - 250 Annual Leaderboard

  • Honorary NFT
  • Limited edition hat
  • Limited edition tshirt
  • 2 non-transferrable* VIP tickets to 2 events
  • 2 non-transferrable* General Admission tickets to up to 2 events
  • Access to private, ceremonial weigh-ins at each event
  • 2 entries per event for raffle for paid flight & hotel at fighter/production hotel
  • Discord role & access to member’s only Discord channel

#251 - 1,000 Annual Leaderboard

  • Honorary NFT
  • Limited edition tshirt
  • 2 non-transferrable* General Admission tickets to up to 4 events
  • 1 entry per event for raffle for paid flight & hotel at fighter/production hotel
  • Discord role & access to member’s only Discord channel


#1 High Score per event

  • 100k $KARATE
  • 2 non-transferrable* Pitside tickets
  • Season Zero NFT
  • Limited edition hat
  • Limited edition tshirt

#2-10 High Score per event

  • 2 non-transferrable* VIP tickets
  • Limited edition tshirt

#1 Earner per event

  • Mutually agreeable interview on air or sponsorship placement on KC Pit or 3D VFX at the next event
  • 2 non-transferrable* Pitside tickets to the next event
  • Discord role & access to member’s only Discord channel

#2-10 Earners per event

  • 2 non-transferrable* VIP tickets to the next event
  • Discord role & access to member’s only Discord channel


Do you agree with the rewards for the 2024-2025 season?

  • YES
  • No
0 voters

I think the benefits are well balanced and more than generous. The NFTs were absolutely stellar and stand out to any collection I have seen. Having these benefits reset each year is an incredible way to incentivize activity on the network as well as reward those who have been long term supporters of the organization. Year one of the DAO was an incredible success, and I have no doubt this next year will exceed it in spades.

Onward and upward mates. Cheers.


I like this as well.

Just a couple questions:

What is meant by ‘earners’?

And what makes up the ‘high score’

Is this only determined by number of tokens won, or by win percentage?

Is pit submission series included?

Thanks in advance

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My only suggestion would be more opportunities to earn NFTs. Not sure how doable it is to do one for top 10 on each event maybe. The top 1000 NFTs were really sweet.


I think earner is just top total tokens won while high score incorporates winning percentage etc…


gm, you can see the high score methodology here.

it will be built out in app in the next 1-2 months.


Thanks @stanman & @onlylarping for your answers.

Makes everything clear.

Also the unique NFTs were awesome, and really well executed. Completely above my expectations.

Now can we get those shirts in a sleeveless variety, it’s too damn hot for sleeves where I am. :rofl:

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Being a newbie here and this being my first topic to read about besides the community guidelines and this being my first comment on the forum, I will have to vote yes to the proposed member benefits, even though I am not sure what exactly a member means I am going with anyone who has signed up for this forum? I downloaded the app and somehow I found this forum which I thought I was signed up already but I guess I wasn’t but I am now. The comments I read here were all positive and I see there are some good questions too. I went to vote yes and I hit the No box on accident and not sure how to correct that if there is a way?