New belt colour for fighters who are not official black belts

I propose that in order to maintain respect for the achievement of earning a black belt, any KC fighter who has not officially earned one should wear a different colour.
I suggest a grey belt to recognise they have experience in martial arts, so not a white belt, but also have not formally received a black belt in Karate. A black belt should only be worn if earned.


Yes you’re right. It’s a good idea


i like this idea too


Agreed. If you have not earned your black belt, you should not sport one. Same for the KC gold belt should only be worn by champs. It’s a status quo I think we should hold true to. White or grey seems to be a good substitute and would go nicely with both black and white gi/pants.


I mean doesn’t even specifically have to be they need a black belt in Karate, just a black belt officially in something. I also think IFC fighters should wear white belts since most have only trained a couple months. Unless of course they have earned one.


since we’re making up a new belt it could also be striped… like black and white or fading from white to black

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