Proposal to add a paralympic division into the league

Hello guys!
In this Topic I want to propose a new division for fighters with relational/mental disabilities, like me who are only allowed to fight only in paralympic divisions.

How does it works and who can join:

Basically this division is open to fighters with mental/relational disabilities with a low support level.
This means that, to keep the show still entertaining, only paralympic fighters with mental/relational disabilities that are autonomus on their own, that can understand and interact with low or null support needed, can join the league, such as level 1/2 autism, Tourette sindrome and ect…
The competition rules are the same from the main league, eventually we can opt for adding at least an headgear for preventing concussions from hurting the head when falling on the mat.

Why is it needed?
Not every paralympic fighter is allowed to fight in the traditional circuit for medical reasons, so adding a dedicated division could still keep the dream for many fighters to join the league despite their disability alive.

Where and who are they organizing paralympic fights:

I found ot that in some events paralympic fights were organized since 2020.
One of the most viral event was a wheelchair MMA fight in Brazil organized by ABCF Fighting. The promotion organized some events later a championship bout between two other paralympic fighters.
Another organization was the 2023 World Combat Games in Ryhad, were there were introduced paralympic disciplines fo the first time, such as para-muay thai and para-savate for all types of disabilities.
The last one I want to mention is the World Adative Boxing Council, which is organizing bouts between wheelchairs boxers and boxers with amputated legs.

I knw that would be difficult to prepare a dedicated division for paralympic fighters, but it would keep my dreams and the other dreams to join the league still alive.

Please let’s discuss about it.

Would you like to have a paralympic divsion in the promotion, too?

  • Yes, add a paralympic division for fighters with mental/relational disabilities
  • No, keep it as a traditional circuit only
0 voters

in my opinion this definitely makes sense at some point.

currently, i’m not sure if karate combat has reached the scale where it can properly execute though.


I do understand that as a promotion you need to make show and to get cash for both staff and fighters.
I do think that there should be a cautious scouting for fighters with intellectual impairments.
The problem behind it is that only athletes with less than 70 IQ points are eligible to be in intellectual impairments, according to the International Paralympic Committee, without considering any diagnosis.
I really hope that this paralympic division becomes feasible in Karate Combat, it’s my last chance to get in as a fighter.


Ok I don’t know why I got a notification for this poll just now, but since I’m here…

To me, it feels wrong allowing financial bets, even in up-only gaming style, to be place on handicapped fights.

Maybe I have the wrong perspective on this; I’m willing to be convinced otherwise.

As long as the paralympic fights can’t be wagered on, I don’t have any moral conflict with it.

Still, as OnlyLarping stated, I’m not sure if this early in the League’s life is the right time. But I have no expertise here, so I don’t feel strongly either way.

About the betting in paralympic bouts, I do not see what is wrong with it.
From my point of view I am feeling that your statement is a little ableist, but I might be wrong.
In all combat sports every “normal” athletes have their betting quotes, so why a paralympic athlete cannot have its betting quotes?
Considering that in KC those quotes are given to the fighters for improved purses, not giving them to paralympic ones or not even give us purses would be so mean to us and ableist.
Could you please explain me what is the moral conflict about betting on paralympic fights and why do you believe is it wrong?

Sorry, I should have elaborated more.

I guess I see KC Up Only Gaming app as a form of entertainment and also a form of making money off of the fights.

Not that I believe that KC is an “exploitation” of the fighters in any sense of the word, but we are making (or losing) money from the efforts of others here. I think the morality comes into question if a fighter is not aware (due to their disability) that their fight is being used for profit and for entertainment.

Of course the para fighters should receive their fair share of payment or token rewards, just the same as the other fighters do.

I apologize if my initial perspective is ableist or offensive in any way. I’ve never had to think about this sort of thing before. I’m definitely not qualified to decide on this haha :sweat_smile:.

I think para athletes deserve a platform to compete with each other and show off their skills to the world too!

I accept your apologies :kissing_closed_eyes:

I guess since Karate Combat is a fighting promotion it needs to make money from fights, so it’s understandable if it could be too soon for paralympic fighters to join the league.

The fact about the awareness of the athlete with disability to being used for profit should be already solved since for the moment only high functioning athletes with intellectual impairments (like me) can join the dedicated division according to my proposal, so they have the ability to be aware of things.

This particular classification is to not lose too much entertainment and pace from the fights.

The main problem could be in finding those athletes.


I think with the increased interest in the IFC, this might be more the avenue that is an easier entry for this type of fight.

What if instead of trying to go for the entire league or division off the start, what if we focused on finding you an opponent, setting up a fight and pitching it to the IFC (Influencer Fight Championship) part of KC and then hype the fact that this could be the first of it’s kind and use that fight to help push the agenda of gaining more access and visibility by using the ability to fight on a global level as the stage to spread the word.

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