Reintroduce amateur fights in Karate Combat

Last Summer the promotion hosted “The Kumite”, the first and only one-night tournament in weight categories where amateur fighters competed for a contract.
The show itself gained over half a million views in all platforms and gained interest to many fans.
Nowadays there are still not organised amateur fights like the last summer’s show.
I truly believe that some amateur shows would be gaining more attention to the media and for the fighters who want to join the promotion.
Karate Combat’s ruleset is very unique and it needs to have its amateur competitions, it would be easier for the fighters turning pro to have an idea about the ruleset.
Some organizations around the world are already doing that, but I believe that Karate Combat should be the primary reference.
Please let’s discuss it and make President Awesome read this topic.

Should Karate Combat reorganize amateur fights?

  • Yes, please organize fights or “The Kumite” under amateur rules again
  • No
0 voters

Of course their should be amateur Kumite fights again, but the ruleset of having two 2- minute rounds is way too short. Why not basically keep the KC ruleset the same with some modifications:
The good thing introduced with the first Kumite was allowing shin guards underneath the karate pants for more safety.
Instead of all kinds of striking limitations why not allow the amateurs to wear head guards like the ones from Top Ten:
Top Ten Head Guards | Boxing Head Guard | Reflex UK , which have been tested and stop the full impact of shots.
Then their were such strict weight requirements that many fell threw right at the beginning, by missing weight Why not more flexibility for amateurs?
If Karate Combat truly wants to be different why not make 3 rounds of 5 minutes or 7 rounds of 2 minutes for the amateurs ? Or how about one round of 12 minutes like your pit submission contests? This would make the contests slower with more technique.
A lot of talent did not manifest in the Kumite because the fights were stopped and over before they got started!
The popularity of Karate Combat is probably at it’s highest right now so why not put on two shows a month and have amateur fights at the beginning or end of the pro fights?
Really enjoyed the outdoor atmosphere of Kickback and Playa del Carmen especially.

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I do agree about the duration of the fight.
Pereonally I’d prefer to increase the number of the rounds, but keeping the same 3 minutes for each round.
I believe that 3 minutes a round makes the fight fast paced, as preferred by the audience, maybe a middle path could be 4 minutes to have more technique without losing too much pace.
About the headguards, I don’t think that wearing them could protect the fighters from internal damage, but at least they don’t get fractures or hematomas on the skull.
Maybe they could try to use the full ruleset to amateurs too, so they can be fully ready for the professional bouts.

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