Unlock all $KARATE tokens

Karate Combat; the most viewed fighting promotion other than the UFC, crypto’s 1st pro sport, the most exciting striking league in the world, is governed by a token that has a miniscule current FDV of approximately $75,000,000 Market Cap or only $18,000,000 circulating Market Cap. I believe the supply unlock overhang of 50% more or less of the supply has most people irrationally discounting the $karate token. I’d like to propose that we unlock all of the supply at once and have 100% circulating to rid ourselves of this unnecessary fear. Instead of fear of supply unlocks people looking to buy $Karate should have a FEAR OF MISSING OUT instead. No offense to dead squirrels executed by the state of New York but if $PNUT the squirrel token is valued at a 1.5 BIllion dollar market cap $karate should be much much much higher. Unlock all the tokens and we can unlock the true potential of $karate- MAKE KARATE GREAT AGAIN


i like it.

one of the biggest advantages memes have over utility tokens is the (sometimes overdone) fear of unlocks.

at least in $karate’s case i think the fear is unwarranted. hardly anyone - and no one of size - appears to be selling the unlocks.

pretty much everyone that could sell after a complete unlock could do so right now. but they’re hodling.

so might as well clean it up imo.


Let’s get this pushed forward ASAP


great idea. maybe airdrop to existing token holders proportionally.


I think its a good idea, but i think thought also needs to be given to the distribution of those tokens. You want the majority of tokens to end up on exchange liquidity pools. If you have only a small supply in the LPs, then price action wont be stable - large transactions will cause huge slippage losses and wild price swings, and it will cause an unfavourable trading environment, and could put off serious investors.

Please ensure that a healthy amount of supply is placed in liquidity pools. Please ensure the proposal covers this off.


so would that mean there will be no more UOG and voting?

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Wait a minute. If the KARATE tokens in the treasury are distributed all at once, how will the fighters and organizers be paid? Where will the UOG token distributions come from? In my understanding, the business is not yet profitable, so the issuance of tokens helps support and grow the show and the ecosystem. Nowdays KARATE is in growth phase (only 140.000 users while aiming to tens of millions?) so you need a lot of fuel to support that growth. Once the business is large, profitable and mature, we could think about burning or distributing all the remaining supply.
I think it is an error trying to change the capitalization by tokenomics (apart from the market distortion that massive emission could create) Now that regulations are going to be fixed, you only have to go to the heart of the matter that is business fundamentals, potential users base, engagement, creating great shows, promoting good personal values, etc… Sooner or later the market follows

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How can you execute on this idea? UOG is based on the inflationary tokenomics of $karate.

It would require a reworking of the app/voting system.

Additionally team members, investors and athletes have a certain amount of tokens vesting. Does it make sense to unlock their supply? I doubt it.

wouldn’t affect the treasury or vesting, just the unlock schedule.


UOG rewards come from the treasury?

for the time being yep


It’s a good idea. It’ll affect the Value at first but KC could do burns on the max supply.

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i though the rewards come from the inflation. where is the inflation directed then?

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I’m a big fan of this proposal, fwiw.

It should positively change the posture of the $karate asset from a tokenomics perspective:

  • Market Cap would increase from ~$16m :arrow_right: $67m
  • Would no longer appear to be a low(ish) float / high FDV asset
  • Does not change the mechanics of dapp (still no-lose bets, etc.)

This could result in the following outcomes:
• Higher propensity for CEX listings due to larger MC
• A perception of less risk for asset ownership due to more tokens technically being “in circulation”

Important to recognize that this change is very much so a “cosmetic” change to the tokenomics, however.


I agree that this would be a good route to take. It will drop the token price in the immediate short term, but then leave nothing but upside room throughout thew remainder of the bull cycle. Then going into the next cycle the entire supply will be in circulation and can benefit from the ever increasing rate of adoption of Karate Combat that will surely only accelerate in the years ahead.

It’s an aye from me.


karate combat team please fix tokenomi $karate, good project unfortunately not in line with tokens not running well

In addition to full release of tokens, will the infinite supply be addressed? And the contract made immutable? The current contract is very high risk for all hodlers except a centralized few. I am not sure what the actual distribution is now, but if founders suddenly have their full stack of coins, they will control much more of the vote and more share of the company. Can king @onlylarping help address this? I have some faith but many are not as risky.

Why am I the first to ask about the supply keys (admin keys) and infinity??? :eyes:

EDIT: I have researched the contracts about as much as I am allowed to. I am stoked. I figured out a lot. I like the team. I like the idea of rewarding @onlylarping and the rest of the founders with an unlock now as well as ending the ongoing worry about unlocks.

Maybe we can negotiate to 100 bil total supply to unlock early???

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The treasury contract has no admin key… I can’t seem to find the source code except in byte format and hashscan shows an unverified status.

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Same shiz on ethereum. Same questions… @onlylarping
Believe me… I understand why the keys were there and why infinite supply to start. If things went south while starting, they would def help fix issues. Is testing about over? Can the keys be removed and the supply be locked? Any chance founders might recognize the OGs and coin hodlers with an airdrop to equalize voting power? Sup bro? What’s the plan? :sunglasses:

EDIT: I have researched the contracts about as much as I am allowed to. I am stoked. I figured out a lot. I like the team. I like the idea of rewarding @onlylarping and the rest of the founders with an unlock now as well as ending the ongoing worry about unlocks. Maybe we can negotiate to 100 bil total supply to unlock early???

If you want to read my analysis and comparison to immutable contracts as well as learn about the hbar contracts some more, check this out: